The Secret History of the United States


CIA mines Nicaraguan harbor

The memo stated that the CIA had played a direct role in placing underwater mines in three Nicaraguan harbors. This according to the memo all had been done by " unilaterally controlled Latino assets"
Veil - Bob Woodward p.361

more on contras1985

It was as if Thatcher and Reagan had adopted a keynote of situationist theory : abundance is dangerous to power, and privation, if carefully managed, is safe. A mammoth debt encourages fear, which is never revolutionary; a high level of unemployment ensures a ready pool of strike breakers, translates the curse of a bad job into a blessing.
Lipstick Traces - Greil Marcus

Number of human deaths possible from one pound of plutonium if finely ground up and inhaled:
1984 U.S. plutonium inventory in pounds:
These numbers multiplied together
-Science Digest July 1984

more on nuclear1986

Bank deposits also linked Syria to terrorist plots, revealing that all of the moderate Arab states were paying what amounted to Mafia-style protection fees to ward off any Nidal attacks. Sheik Zayed himself, who had more-or-less financed the making of BCCI, paid Abu Nidal $17 million in protection fees in 1984 alone.
When the Eagle Screams - Stephen Bowman p.49

When military experts testified in the 1984 case against white supremacists who were about to dump two hundred gallons of cyanide into the water supply of either Chicago, New York, or Washington, D.C., the experts predicted that at the least four hundred thousand persons would have been killed in any one of those cities.
When the Eagle Screams - Stephen Bowman p.142

In early 1984, the United States Air Force illegally seized eighty-nine thousand acres of public land, known as the Groom Range in order to further restrict access to Area 51. The decision to control access was made after consultation with local Bureau of Land Management officials and after USAF Headquarters had conferred with the Air Force Secretariat.
August 1984 hearings House Subcommitte on Lands and National Parks in the House
Sieberling: Is it true that the Air Force has already acted to restrict public use of the Groom Range are?
Rittenhouse: Yes sir, it is true. We have asserted the right to control the surface access and egress to the extent of requesting people not to go in and out.
S: Under what legal authority was that done; that right asserted?
R: As far as I know sir, there is none; except decisions were made at a much, much higher level than mine that that be done.
S: There is no higher level than the laws of the United States.
R: No, sir, I understand, and we can describe that further if you would like, sir.
S: I would like.
R: In closed briefing.
S: Why would that have to be in a closed briefing?
R: I can't discuss it, sir...
R: As I stated earlier, originally we had no legal authority but we asserted the right to request people not to enter that area.
S: Now?
R: We legally did not have the authority.
Alien Contact - Timothy Good p.148
Area 51/Groom Lake

more on UFOs1985

secret history 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995

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